Of course, it matters like everything in life!

The battery is the heart of your e-bike
And of course, the most expensive part, if you run out of battery is like having a heart attack, anyhow you can still pedal your bike, but believe me, it is not fun anymore riding an e-bike when you are short of breath and tired with all the weight that this implied. But luckily for us, battery technology has improved significantly in the last few years.
Our water bottle batteries are full of lithium power
Blood for your bike! With high consistency, low internal resistance, high energy density with high rate discharge, and fast charge performance.
The weight is just 3 lbs. and can provide up to 5 years of service life, with an elegant, portable, and minimalist design that not many people will notice that you are riding an electric bike.
One of the most common mistakes that many riders make is buying a big battery. First, look ugly on your bike frame. Second, you carry more weight for no reason. Being light can save you some money, future headaches and will be more effective and enjoyable to ride.
Most people rarely ride more than 30 miles at a time. If you use your bike to commute to work, for example, you can ride up to 25 miles one way, recharge your battery at work and come back home with a full of power battery again.